I also happen to love photography, so I always go back and study the settings I used. I often use exif data to remember when/where I took a photo. if the photo contains GPS data, you can view a Google map of the photo's location - keeps a history of your last 10 image URLs for faster selection. Features: - view the Exif data of a JPG image on any a web page by right-click the image and selecting View Exif Info. Your image will be displayed to you, along with all the exif data details. Nikon also records the camera's shutter count in the Exif data. The EXIF file format is essentially the standard way that contextual information is stored and transmitted when dealing with digital. Photographers use the stats and settings in this data to take better photos. Just tell the app what image you want to analyze and it will do all the work. EXIF data isn’t a specific file type or extension, but rather, a generic file format that most modern digital photography follows. This app is a simple and single-purposed solution for those who simply want to see a photo’s exif data. It holds location, camara, settings and other information. This is data stored in your image files, which holds information about the image itself. If you are a photographer or simply a photo enthusiast, you probably use exif data very often.

His latest creation is a Chrome app called Exif Viewer.

François Beaufort is not only a Googler and our favorite news source for all things Chrome, but he is also an awesome developer! When he is not looking for Chrome news to share, he is out there developing content for us to enjoy.